Germany (1920)
Georg Linnemannstöns (brother) / Oelde
Friedrich Linnemannstöns was born on January 20, 1920 as the third son of Heinrich and Margarete Linnemannstöns in the Westphalian town of Beckum. The family lived in a house on Hammerstrasse, southeast of the old town. Friedrich Linnemannstöns spent his childhood and school years here. In his free time he went swimming a lot and because he loved the water, he built himself a paddle boat. He often went on his boat on the Lippe near Dolberg. This was his favorite hobby.
After school, Friedrich Linnemannstöns learned the trade of carpenter. Given his early and strong connection to the element of water, it is not surprising that he volunteered for the Navy in 1940. His application was successful and Friedrich Linnemannstöns was accepted on April 5, 1940. After basic training at the 11th Schiffsstammabteilung in Stralsund, he was initially assigned to the barge New York and then later to on-board training on the battleship Bismarck. During a special leave, he proudly told his family that his ship was unsinkable. But things turned out differently. Like most of the crew, Friedrich Linnemannstöns was killed on May 27, 1941. He was 21 years old.