Schlachtschiff Bismarck | Das wahre Gesicht eines Schiffes

Volume 1.2

Seaman (men A to L)

With volume 1.2 of our book series, we continue to tell the extensive story of seaman personnel. With more than 1,000 men, this made up more than half of the entire crew and fills three books of our series. The volume 1.2, published on May 27, 2020 for the 79th anniversary of the sinking of the Bismarck, alone has 400 pages and is therefore thicker than the first edition of its predecessor, Volume 1.1. In it we tell the personal stories of the sailors with the surnames starting with A to L. It contains the exciting stories of 134 crew members, such as that of the young Austrian Alois Bacher who was looking for the exoticism of seafaring or the experienced Leading Seaman Kurt Langerwisch from Brandenburg, who survived the sinking with good luck and later became a teacher and school director in the GDR.

As already known from the previous parts, the portraits are preceded by the corresponding section from the crew list. Around 440 images and technical drawings illustrate the volume. The book is available (in german language only) on our website for € 39.50.

  • 408 pages in hardcover binding
  • 440 pictures and technical drawings
  • 134 portraits
  • The history of the Bismarck at a glance
  • Crewlist of the Seman from A to L
  • Extended new edition: January 28, 2025
  • Price: € 39.50 plus packaging and shipping per book: € 3.50 within Germany, abroad: € 11.00 (may differ)
  • Shipping method: Post book delivery
  • Delivery: about 3-5 days after receipt of payment (within Germany)
  • Terms of payment: payment in advance
  • Pay Pal payment possible on request (fee: € 2)
  • ISBN: 978-3-7693-2302-3
Cover Page 4 and 5: Table of Contents Page 22 and 23: Service in the Navy Page 34 and 35: Crewliste Page 56 and 57: Seaman Page 66 and 67: Seaman Page 92 and 93: Seaman Page 94 and 95: Seaman Page 98 and 99: Seaman Page 108 and 109: Seaman Page 110 and 111: Seaman Page 170 and 171: Seaman Page 180 and 181: Seaman Page 198 and 199: Seaman Page 246 and 247: Seaman Page 276 and 277: Seaman Page 326 and 327: Supplementary Portrait Page 328 and 329: Supplementary Portrait Page 330 and 331: Supplementary Portrait Page 372 and 373: Supplementary Portrait Back

Click to enlarge.



Friedrich Junghans came from the merchant marine to the navy. He survived the sinking of the Bismarck. He gave his dog tag to his British rescuer. In the book we tell both stories.

Read his story

Friedrich Junghans

Portraits of Crewmembers in Volume 1.2

Heinz Aktuhn
Hans Albrecht
Werner Arlt
Jonny Augustin
Alois Bacher
Johann Bär
Leopold Baumgartner
Richard Bauser
Anton Becker
Alois Berchtold
Albert Berger
Johann Berghammer
Friedrich Billasch
Karl Bingel
Axel Bließ
Heinz Blümel
Horst Börner
Hans-Joachim Bornhuse
Hubert Brämer
Erich Brandt
Engelbert Brolle
Heinz Brosig
Karl Burichter
Wilhelm Burkey
Josef Casciani
Otto Chotzko
Franz Chyla
Friedrich Dernbauer
Willi Draheim
Karl Drschka
Werner Egert
Adolf Eich
Leopold Ellinger
Ludolf Erichsen
Walter Feß
Johann Fischer

Georg Forster
Anton Friedrich
Hans Fürbringer
Heinrich Gawel
Walter Gehlhaar
Anton Geirhofer
Helmuth Gottlieb
Wolfgang Groß
Peter Haas
Alois Haberditz
August Hacker
Johann Hager
Werner Hager
Franz Halke
Heribert Hartmannsgruber
Michael Haselbeck
Walter Haß
Jakob Haßdenteufel
Walter Heede
Adolf Heil
Johann Hellwig
Franz Herteux
Georg Herzog
Paul Hillen
Otto Höntzsch
Johann Hoffmann
Alois Huber
Egon Imlau
Kurt Jakobsen
Eduard Jarm
Heinz Jucknat
Friedrich Junghans
Rudi Kaczmarek
Paul Kagerer
Robert Kallermann
Aloys Kaminski
Franz Kantner

Walter Kaphengst
Erich Kasper
Ernst Kasper
Albert Kasten
Helmut Kastner
Willi Keller
Gerhard Kettenhofen
Wilhelm Kiefer
Franz Kinast
Rudolf Kinter
Johann Kirchmann
Theodor Klaes
Walter Koch
Karl Kögler
Michael Kolbinger
Josef Kopper
Heinz Kosin
Walter Köster
Wladislaus Kowalczyk
Georg Krabichler
Martin Krämer
Andreas Krempel
Maximilian Kronseder
Walter Kunz
Josef Kweller
Karl Landgraf
Willi Langanhan
Herbert Langer
Kurt Langerwisch
Georg Lanzinger
Gerhard Leichert
Erich Lenz
Ewald Leue
Emil Levsen
Alois Lichtenthal
Kurt Liebs
Friedrich Linnemannstöns

Supplementary Portraits:
Herbert Brandes
Erwin Brunow
Heinz Dewitz
Hans Dietloff
Hermann Dürkop
Richard Eiben
Rolf Franke
Erich Fröschke
Hans Grohs
Herbert Heiser
Herbert Horstmann
Helmut Johannissen
Karl Knappe
Ernst-Wilhelm Kruse
Gustav Kubisch
Josef Luxemburger
Ernst Quedzuweit
Karl Sens
Willi Skall
Fritz Stabel
Werner Thormann
Fritz Ullmann
Otto Wiegleb
Otto Wirth

Rudi Kaczmarek


As the son of a professional soldier, Rudi Kaczmarek moved with his family many times when he was a child. He experienced the beginning of the war in 1939 as a worker in labor service and decided to join the navy voluntarily.

Read his story


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Schlachtschiff Bismarck - Das wahre Gesicht eines Schiffes Teil 1.1 Schlachtschiff Bismarck - Das wahre Gesicht eines Schiffes Teil 1.2 Schlachtschiff Bismarck - Das wahre Gesicht eines Schiffes Teil 1.3

Vol. 1.1

Vol. 1.2

Vol. 1.3

Schlachtschiff Bismarck - Das wahre Gesicht eines Schiffes Teil 2 Schlachtschiff Bismarck - Das wahre Gesicht eines Schiffes Teil 3 Schlachtschiff Bismarck - Das wahre Gesicht eines Schiffes Teil 4 Besatzungsliste - Schlachtschiff Bismarck

Vol. 2

Vol. 3

Vol. 4




  • Volume 1.1: € 29.50
  • Volume 1.2: € 39.50
  • Volume 1.3: € 33.50
  • Volume 2: € 32.50
  • Volume 3: € 34.90
  • Volume 4: € 31,50
  • Crewlist: € 26.50

All prices exclude packaging and postage
per book € 3.50 within Germany, abroad: € 11.00 (may differ)

Terms and Conditions

Delivery inside Germany via German Post. Normally delivery is within 3 - 5 working days if the book is on stock. If the book must first be printed, delivery can be approximately 2 – 3 weeks. Payments for the book plus shipping costs are to be transferred to the bank account listed in the order confirmation.


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Volume 1.1

Volume 1.2

Volume 1.3

Volume 2

Volume 3

Volume 4

Volume 5